Our Services

Training and Development
NiS recognizes there can be a myriad of complexities involved with curriculum development as well as instructional training, and we are equipped to deliver quality products tailored to our customers’ needs. Our instructors and developers have thorough understandings of varying processes including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) and PADDIE+M, Adult Learning Method (ALM), Rapid Instructional Design (RapidID), and Systematic Approach to Training and Education (SAT/SATE). The NiS team of instructors and developers have a concentration within the IC and GIS fields and we are poised to implement comprehensive academic solutions designed to meet any client’s needs. NiS supports an extensive range of educational formats on both classified and unclassified domains, including traditional instructor-led classroom learning, as well as e-Learning development for distant/virtual learning.

Integration & Technology
NiS provides the technical expertise to develop a wide range of software solutions based on Agile methodologies by leveraging industry best practices to deliver tools for your IT requirements. These capabilities are platform agnostic, providing high quality software solutions that meet the needs of the customer while ensuring mission success. NiS specializes in development of C4ISR, GEOINT and Intelligence systems, with a comprehensive familiarity of DCGS and GCCS-J families of systems.
Geospatial Solutions
NiS has vast experience in DoD, Military and geospatial mapping at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical level. Over 25 years of experience supporting NGA, DIA, MCIA, IC and military missions in both technical and management functions. NiS Geospatial production group focuses on providing specialized, high quality, and time sensitive products and services to military units, major commands, and intelligence agencies. NiS workforce is prepared to support continued and surge production efforts. NiS Leadership’s experience as Program Managers, Support Staff and Recruiters have a combination of specific experience that helps identify talent to support the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. Additionally, the knowledge of these individuals in overseas deployments of contracted employees, pre/post-deployment training is identified as best standards and practices across the DoD

Professional Services
NiS understands the complexity of the strategic and tactical challenges encountered daily to solve global, regional and local challenges with innovative geospatial solutions in support of actionable intelligence in line with mission requirements. NiS’s main service sector in Federal markets will be Intelligence Analysis, Geospatial Production, providing On-Site Professional Services and in the Intelligence Systems Integration and Information Technology (IT) support with various DoD clients.